January 15 2016
car accident 2

Most people will not go through their entire driving career without at least a minor fender bender. Based on the number of vehicles on the road and the amount of miles driven, having an unfortunate meeting of metal is practically inevitable. So when you are involved in a traffic accident, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

  • Call 911. Even if no one is hurt, you’ll want to have the incident in an official record. Get a police report, too.
  • Document EVERYTHING. Take pictures of the accident scene, damage to your vehicle and the other party’s vehicle, as well as any other property damage. Note the time of the accident as well as any weather factors. Keep a pen and pad or paper in your glove box.
  • Move off the road if you can. After noting relative vehicle positions, at least move out of traffic. You don’t want to be the cause of another accident or exacerbate your own situation. If you have safety flares or reflective road triangles, use them.
  • Get the other driver’s information. Driver’s license number, license plate number, insurance information, etc. Note if there were any passengers and get their names, too. Also be sure to note any witnesses to the accident. Use your cell phone to take a photo of the other driver’s license and the license plate of the other vehicle.
  • Report the incident to your insurance company. Even if you don’t plan on filing a claim, it is important that they have your side of the story in case the other party does.


The most important thing you can do is make sure you have all the coverage you need. After an accident has occurred is no time to find out you are under insured. Talk to your insurance professional to be sure you are as protected as you think you are.

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